Потом я уселась читать один янг эдалт и потерялась

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“You’re a pipe dream” Quick scribble of Neil Josten now that Foxhole Court has taken over my life

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молодые люди вы кто

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Sometimes, when you’re low in energy, you just gotta re-draw something simple from five months ago (with some style changes lol)

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I've been into AFTG for 3 years and this is the first fanart I've ever drawn for it because i'm fake.

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Old drawing of riko from 2016

i think it´s time to redraw it...dont you think??

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É o Andrew de All for the game
Adorei esse desenho, faz tempo q não faço um desenho tão bom

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I haven’t finished the fic...but you guys have been waiting long enough, so here’s that Lipstick WIP finished, without the 5000+ context. The really spicy part with Neil is on my spicy account

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quick paint of mermaid riko which i do not really think about it deeper than riko with mermaid tail

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