"...Carida," the birdwatcher starts, quiet as a mouse. "You wanna see something really cool?"

The newest Celeste Academy date, written by , is LIVE! Meet Adelaide as she takes Carida on a close encounter of the avian kind.

Read for free: https://t.co/Ovf5K3Et1q

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Our second episode is available now! Celebrating the glorious great spotted woodpecker and its relatives PLUS: birds in dystopian fiction, the joys of patch birding, and a surprising reason to watch Citizen Kane.


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is it ok if she joins?? the wings and halo can be removed~
this is iyori, she's not very self-confident but is really passionate and protective of the people/things she loves. she's really into birdwatching for some reason. probably some sort of environmental/astrology club?

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Baby sparrows manage to be cute and slightly terrifying at the same time - imagine having four or five of these yarping and wing-shaking at you all day long!

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"After the return of the Wheat Ear...there is seldom any severe frost," wrote Alex Berger in May, 1755. "When you see the White Wagtail, you may turn your sheep into the fields; and when you see the Wheat Ear, you may sow your grain."

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Continueation from the bird spam! And this time it's headshots! 🐦

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Yesterday I visited a wetland area a few minutes from home for a stroll, and I couldn’t believe how many warblers were out and about. One of the highlights was this Nashville warbler we found foraging in the willows near the river.

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There’s three song thrush chicks in the garden, with the parents busily hunting for food - I keep stepping on fragments of snail shells, which is good news for my seedlings (bad news for snails though!)

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Thank you for the kind words! ★★★★★ "Another beautiful card from Morvenna. Another one that will probably end up in a frame." https://t.co/5muz6aILd2

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