And the best manga title of the year award goes to....: BISHIE SPARKLES.

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Eren'i Megane bishies prensi ilan edicem biraz daha megane fangirling yaparlarsa çizmeyin lan bu kadar iyi u_u

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Le Bishie Day c'est demain! Les beaux gosses s'emparent du blog! Au programme, des articles, un quiz...

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Sensei lays down the fact: if there's a bishie, then he is BL personnel.

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have some hetalia bishies

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Winged bishie finished! Made with copic markers :D

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some megane bishie orz

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Ava baru kita ;; mereka semua Bishie ya ;;

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A lame doodle :):) done with SAI, 3 layers :)

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fanart buat Platina Parlour :'D rage color dan saya gabisa gambar bishie _(:'3)>Z

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