New out June 26 include:
_ A gorgeous cover for by Bill Sienkiewicz
_ --
_ Vol. 5, collecting the "Worst Among Equals" arc, including issues and Annual

10 23

Indeed. In addition to my accuracy and precision with thrown weapons, I am quite capable of throwing piercing daggers with my eyes as well.


1 16

TeeZee-Too, replay holo-recording of earlier capture.

*Sigh* Yes, yes. Of that thief and that drunk,

Yes, again.




*Whispers to herself* Never again....

0 5

Mañana estaré junto a y Sara Molina para hablar de su teatro y memoria. Será en el aula García Lorca, a las 16 horas, de la , dentro de las Jornadas doctorales internacionales SET (LIteratura y memoria). Programa:

5 11

Very well, Internet. After gathering information via HoloFilm trailer & on-set imagery, I have concluded that may also play me in the movie and/or TV series.

(In addition to of course).

9 44

Aug. 21 brings readers (We do dig that uniform! What say you ?) and the fifth and concluding issue of the mini series.

15 72

August's see the start of the and the conclusion of and while and keep right on moving. Want the covers and days they're on the shelves? Read on!

26 101

Recuerda que las Doctoras sorprenden de último minuto

0 1

Interested in stem cells, tooth development and regeneration? A postdoctoral position is available in the Fraser Lab ( at the University of Florida. Follow the link below or message me for details. 🦈🦈🦈

51 74

Do you like time series, spectra, and the co-evolution of geological, climatic, topographic and biotic processes? If so, apply for a 3-year -funded postdoctoral research position , working with Gareth Roberts and I:

25 37

Jeanne Chauvin (1862-1926), 1re femme à plaider en Fce 1901
1892: 1re Fçse doctorat Droit
Pr égalité éducation+ accès à ttes professions
1897 Ne peut prêter serment car loi n'autorise pas. Pressions féministes
1900 Loi votée> femmes peuvent accéder au barreau. Elle prête serment

0 1

The Doctor never looked so good! Really great cover by !

0 5

This is Noah!!
He has a -1 Charisma stat.
He’s a medic and does have a medical doctorate despite being 26

1 5

Shirley Ann Jackson, FREng is an American physicist, and the eighteenth president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She is the first African-American woman to have earned a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

3 6

I need to pick a picture for the lab website to go with my profile as a post doctoral researcher: 1, 2, 3, or 4?

1 10

Quien necesita pareja mañana por San Valentín teniendo su body pillow de doctora de la plaga...ejejejequesoloestoy

0 1

£3.5m research funding marks IMH as top centre for doctoral training >>
DISTINCT (#Dementia: Intersectoral Strategy for Training & Network for Current will develop a multi-disciplinary, intersectoral educational research framework.

1 4

British Library Doctoral Students Open Day for 19th-Century Collections, Monday 18th February 2019. £10 including lunch and refreshments. Register here:

3 6