I showed a friend my cringe video essay from Japanese class last year (the theme was "アニメの世界と私" ww)
And I got secondhand embarrassment all over again🙈but I remember drawing these scenes so here's some out-of-context starmyu & tenipuri (+1 bleach) characters😂

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Akskdsklaldkss 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 why did OP not edit it after finding out and save me from this embarrassment? (Honestly had a good laugh over it though)

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"I uh....... Yeah...... Please ?"

She looked up at her and sighed ,why was it so difficult...The feline looked away again in embarrassment https://t.co/Q9pFKXS09A

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im an embarrassment

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Title: Air horn.
Another bad drawing of Trumpy.
"Stop the count!" "I demand a recount!" "Voter fraud!" "I don't want to go!" "I won that election!"
He's an air horn, full of gas! Rant rant rant!
Such an embarrassment.

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embarrassment chart featering percy (and @ zeekubeast's emil)! i think the op deleted so i'm sorry the meme is uncredited

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It's so nice to know that your loved one likes you the way you are! 💓💓💓
- Misaki, you are handsome.
- Fool! Don't say these things straight to face!! />////</
*crying with embarrassment and happiness*

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More so just improvement rather than embarrassment but this is like 11 years old vs 17 years old https://t.co/Etcq9oq5e6

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Good Lord He is An Embarrassment!!!

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Merrell's embarrassment

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Oh wow... talk about an embarrassment of riches! These four come to mind but there are so many more. Featuring , , , and of course . 😊

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Ever get yelled at in a game and want to cuss the person out but you can’t because you live in a Christian household and if your parents heard you they would probably bust in your room and yell at you, therefore causing even more embarrassment in-game? No? Just me? Ok then.

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Embarrassment (its what i feel)

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Omg this was BRUTAL to watch.
I can feel the second-hand embarrassment. (It was deserved tho)

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Part 2 for the dumb thing featuring dear friends Alejandro, this time with a very confused and fluffed Boris being shoved into the spotlight by Mica as she walks off her own awkward embarrassment. 😂

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(censoring B to spare him from this embarrassment). These did not turn out how I thought 😭 I'm just gonna drop it and try again next year. I don't want to invest more time than I already have and still not like how they turn out lol.

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7. Kay now we're getting into embarrassment territory, so I'll just, um, drop this trash boy here:

Joshua (The World Ends With You)

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Day 1 - 6 pm

Because of embarrassment, Fine became nervous and slipped her feet, fell a strange hole. Shade hurriedly to Fine and caught her in his arms, both fallen into the hole.

Artist: Mih(VN)

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