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Además, para celebrar la emisión del episodio 32 de #DigimonGhostGame👻, la cuenta oficial nos comparte la imagen de un #Digimon "especial" que ha sido el principal antagonista... ¡Betsumon!
So instead of an Angoramon image thread,today it’ll be Gammamon from today’s episode,who had a Lot of great expressions and moments #DigimonGhostGame #Digimon
キラキラ 眩しくて~🎶
#DigimonGhostGame #デジモンゴーストゲーム #digimon #デジモン
Fiz a minha versão do Holy digitamamon.
I created my Holy digitamamon version.
#Digimon #Fanart #デジモン #Fakemon #DigimonGhostGame #DigimonSurvive #Digimonoc #Digimonart #Fandigimon #holydigitamamon #digitamamon
As the day of #DigimonSurvive 's release nears, let's enjoy this July with a cute drawing of Angoramon! He is probably my favourite Child level Digimon right now, so fluffy and round <3
#Digimon #Ghostgame #digitalart #fanart
Camila e Plushmon seriam uma boa dupla?
Would Camila and Plushmon be a good duo?
#Digimon #Digidestined #OC #Digimonpartiner #デジモン #DigimonGhostGame #Digimonart
(4/4) They fight for a bit but after cutting and absorbing energy from KausGammamon, the sword transforms into the Digimon Musyamon. Angoramon evolves but Musyamon still proves to be too much for him to handle, that's when he's saved by the Digimon Zubamon... #DigimonGhostGame
This is Camila, my new digidestined OC. Now I need to choose which is the best partner for her among my digifakes. 😅
#Digimon #Digidestined #OC #Digimonpartiner #デジモン #DigimonGhostGame #Digimonart
¡Resultados del último FUN Vote (encuesta en la web de #Digimon) sobre #DigimonGhostGame!
Nos preguntaban sobre nuestros enemigos favoritos de la serie, y los resultados han sido:
¡Id a verlos todos! ¿Estáis de acuerdo con el resultado? https://t.co/2YItKovnTO
Lady Neodevimon sketch idea thanks for lookin! More on my Instagram :) #DigimonAdventure #Digimon #Ghostgame #ladydevimon #fanart
Meu parceiro digimon e seus níveis bebês.
My partner digimon and its forms baby
Cactmon 》Zantemon 》Carnivymon
#Digimon #fakemon #fakedigi #デジモン #DigimonGhostGame #DigimonSurvive #digimontcg #Digimon25th #digimonoc
Comission by @phantastikosmos
#gammamon #digimon #DigimonGhostGame #デジモン #ガンマモン #デジタルモンスター #デジモンゴーストゲーム Sorry for taking so long.
#digimonghostgame #digimon #digimonfanart #gammamon Ya quería hacerle un dibujo a este par desde hace rato.
Jungle troopers-Nightmare soldiers-Dark area.
Comission by @phantastikosmos
#Digimon #Fanart #デジモン #Fakemon #DigimonGhostGame #DigimonSurvive #Digimonoc #Digimonart #Fandigimon #plantdigimon #dinosaur #Digifake
You guys really liked my Gammamon with a Gun Emote so I made one for GulusGammamon. This definitely suits him more.
#digimon #digimonghostgame #デジモン
It's ready!! Sending off for a prototype! I'm a little nervous about how the colors will look when printed, since like a fool I used those bright blues and pinks - I always do this lol
#Gammamon #Ghostgame #digimontcg
Jungle troopers-Nightmare soldiers-Nature spirits.
#Digimon #Fanart #デジモン #Fakemon #DigimonGhostGame #DigimonSurvive #Digimonoc #Digimonart #Fandigimon #plantdigimon #dinosaur #Digifake
Por su parte, la cuenta oficial de #Digimon (@Digimonweb_net) publica una imagen de Zubamon (el Digimon del 20 aniversario), puesto que ha debutado en el episodio 31 de #DigimonGhostGame👻. ¡Más vale tarde que nunca!