Rest in peace Isao Takahata-san. I can't even begin to describe the impact your works has on me. Forever in my heart 🌼

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Mañana sábado, de 13:00 a 14:00 h., estaré junto a en Madrid (en IFEMA) y obviamente hablaremos de Isao Takahata y le rendiremos homenaje.

Habrá pósteres de 'Kaguya' (su último film) de regalo para los asistentes, y sortearemos alguno de mis libros.

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As an animator... it sadden me that Isao Takahata has passed away.
Biggest stepping stone inspiration of my career.
“If today’s no good, you’ll have tomorrow.
If tomorrow’s no good, you’ll have the next day.”
― Only Yesterday (Isao Takahata 1935-2018)

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Tribute drawing for Isao Takahata. Without his work, mine wouldn't even have existed. Persephone is born thanks to Taeko-chan. I will pay my respect by watching again his movies, especially Omohide Poroporo, which is an incredible masterpiece of animation. またね、パクさん!

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A Isao Takahata sólo podemos darle las gracias por su obra. Desde Heidi y Marco a su trabajo como cofundador de Studio Ghibli. Películas como La Tumba de las Luciérnagas o Pompoko se las debemos a él.

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[Décès] Le réalisateur Isao TAKAHATA (Le Tombeau des Lucioles) nous a quittés

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Isao Takahata never had the name recognition of Miyazaki, but he more than deserved it.

A genius he may be, but a Miyazaki film is a Miyazaki film. The emotional and artistic range in Takahata's work is astonishing. RIP to one of the greats.

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Rest in peace, Isao Takahata.

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Ha fallecido a los 82 años Isao Takahata, uno de los grandes maestros de la animación japonesa, cofundador junto a Hayao Miyazaki de los Estudios Ghibli y director, entre otras, de La tumba de las luciérnagas. Descanse en paz

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Sorry to hear of the passing Isao Takahata, the co-founder of Studio Ghibli and mentor to Hayao Miyazaki.

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R.I.P Isao Takahata

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อิซาโอะ ทะกะฮะตะ (Isao Takahata) ผู้ร่วมก่อตั้งสตูดิโอจิบลิและเป็นผู้กำกับ "Grave of the Fireflies" ได้เสียชีวิตลงแล้วด้วยวัย 82 ปี นอกจากนั้นเขาก็มีผลงานอื่นๆอย่างเช่น “Only Yesterday" จนไปถึงผลงานสุดท้ายที่ได้ชิงออสการ์อย่าง The Tale of the Princess Kaguya

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One of my favorite directors, Isao Takahata, just died. What an awful day.

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Isao Takahata, co-fundador de Studio Ghibli y director de películas como 'La tumba de las luciérnagas', 'Recuerdos del ayer' o El cuento de la princesa Kaguya', ha fallecido en Tokio a los 82 años de edad. Descanse en paz.

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The maestro Isao Takahata, director of such burnished animated gems as Grave of the Fireflies, Only Yesterday, Pom Poko, The Tale of Princess Kaguya and more, has died at the age of 82.

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Saddened to hear that the director Isao Takahata has died. He was one of the founders and creative powerhouses behind Studio Ghibli. May he rest in peace.

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