Day 3: Candice/Zoey's daughter, Isolde Nakamura! A coordinator who's a mentor and rival to Tanith in the same way Zoey was a mentor and rival to Dawn.

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Isolde, queen of Ynea, has purple hair. It’s her natural color.

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Finally finished! This piece challenged me quite a bit but, oh boi, I had fun with it! This gorgeous centaur knight, Isolde, belongs to

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If Fate isnt going to give us Isolde then we'll have to take matters into our own hands. design by

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tristan and isolde................. thats all.

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Une fois de plus, je tiens à remercier infiniment qui a su représenter à merveille ma douce Isolde, personnage de ma duologie "Péché, périple et promesse" Je suis conquise❤️ N'hésitez pas à checker ses travaux, ils sont sublimes ! ✨

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Sketches I did at
I had a lot of fun and it was so nice to see everyone!
WoLs are Isolde Llywelyn (), Herleva Delphinium (), Noalle Gibrillont, and Viria Atlas ()

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Not an actor, but Queen Isolde Vontell is modeled after Arch Enemy’s Alissa White-Gluz.

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Some random <3 Baptiste and Isolde

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We are just gonna roll with this bad Twitter crop cause idk how to fix it. An AU of one of my Mothcats, Isolde! Outfit by serenityione and Nahemii-san on dA~

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Salvador Dalí
Tristan and Isolde

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Grats! 🌸🌸

This is Isolde, she is a noble air genasi turned pirate - she comes from a powerful family of magic users, but ran away after being mistreated because she is utterly terrible at magic herself. She is a rogue/wizard multi-class!

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Paginya si julian tanya sama felix "apa bnr kamu suka sama aku?"
"Tau dr mana?"
"Isolde yg blng"
"Apa wkt aku mabok kita did it?"
Julian dlm hati tau silence means yes

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2. Biarin mia sama isolde kabur tp si julian tetep ngasih uang buat mrk.

Julian blng kasih waktu aku buat mikir trus dia pergi. Sblm pergi si isolde nyeletuk "kasian ya orng yg kamu sukai gk peduli sm km" dia bingung, "maksudmu apa?"
Isolde blg "loh km gatau? Felix suka sm kamu"

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Smp suatu hari si isolde blng "apakah km skrng bakal bunuh aku dgn pasti?" Ke julian. Yes jd selama ini dia gak lupa ingatan dia cuman pura" aja💀💀

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Pas sadar isolde gak inget apa" sama sekali dan dia jalanin terapi kek biasa

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Sampe suatu saat dtng cewek rambut merah lngsng nrobos ke kamar isolde, yg ternyata dia pacarnya isolde, dan emng dikonfirm sm si felix klo isolde sama mia ini pcran

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Suatu hari pas seperti biasa felix nyamar jadi isolde dia tanya sama julian, "menurutmu aku (isolde) gimana?" Julian jawab "you're the loveliest person in the world."

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