Snowbirds by Vladimir Kush

Whirling snow and birds hovering in the sky always fascinated people with the ease and whimsicality of the flight. Their soft landing, in seemingly any place, evoked the sense of freedom and revered to the dreams.

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Moon Watch by Vladimir Kush

Since ancient times, the sky has never ceased to amaze us. We look at the moon and unexpectedly discover that we may be looking into a deep, dark well!

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Coast Guard by Vladimir Kush

For many years, the tribes coming from the east in their canoes attacked the people living on the island. Listening to their prayers, a Great Red Dragon came down from the mountain, and laid down to protect the coast

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Vladimir Kush, Fiery Dance

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Love Talk by Vladimir Kush

The binding force is the flow of water gushing down from the mountains. The roar of the waterfall and the girl’s “hair” must be that soundproof shield guarding the privacy of the words of love exchanging by the pair.

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Fleeing into the Night by Vladimir Kush

The lovers are joining in ecstasy, taking off from the earth and fleeing into the blackness of infinity

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Across the Mountains and Into the Trees by Vladimir Kush

The dominant blue colors of the painting symbolize the sky, infinity, and a peaceful and spiritual life.

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Safe Harbor by Vladimir Kush

The goblet with sailboat is a microcosm of life or, rather, of how we experience life and bear up under current circumstance.

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Cheeseburgers to feed your soul! Celebrate with art instead of the calories. In-n-Out Ferris Cafe by Vladimir Kush in honor of their 70th Anniversary

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Genealogy of the White Rhino by Vladimir Kush

The rhinoceros is an outstanding representative of African fauna. In the etching by Albrecht Duyer (1515) it is the knight clad in armor from head to toe, poised with horn pointing downward ready to attack.

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Œuvre 255/365
Vladimir Kush
Ce surréalisme est sublime, chaque œuvre est unique et apporte une vision différente des autres. Ces mondes semblent si paisibles qu'on aimerait s'y plonger afin d'en ressentir toute la plénitude qui y réside.

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Fall is in by Vladimir Kush

In the painting, the solemnity and sadness of leave-taking are as one. Something about the trees shedding leaves makes them look as if they were an "escort" to the fall in the all-important event of its coming and going.

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Vladimir Kush

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Vladimir Kush

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To the Top by Vladimir Kush

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It's so here's our beautiful kitteh Cat! Kush! 💕

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by Vladimir Kush

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