Miffy loves to go ice skating!

15 94

Are you the Queen of Naps?

This lovely Miffy PJ set can be found in selected Primark stores for just £6!

10 61

19歳のとき オランダ スキポール空港で有り金全ユーロはたいて買ったオランダ衣装のミッフィー

25 307

Wrap up warm Miffy, it's cold out there!

24 179

Look, Miffy! A gift, just for you!

24 116

Miffy's very tired after her pyjama party - thank you all so much for coming! ZzzzZzZzZZzzZzzzz

31 168

This was new to Miffy –
travelling on her own.
Mother took her to the bus
but Miff got on alone.

6 44

Miffy is reading 'miffy goes to stay' at 1pm today for - come and read with her!

7 49

What lovely flowers they are, Miffy!

31 136

To finish with, said Daddy,
Miffy, you decide.
She chose the giant tortoise
and had a lovely ride.

18 60

Miffy is reading 'miffy at the zoo' at 1pm today for - come and read with her!

23 112

Cutie Pootootie miffy 🦎

1 3

It's Miffy's birthday today! The little Dutch rabbit is 62 today. Must get the name of her moisturiser...

12 33


Keep RT for the chance to a special prize!

87 76

Happy Birthday, Miffy!
sang her mum and dad.
It’s going to be lovely.
Miffy felt so glad.

39 105

Sleep well, Miffy

52 149