Gambier Bay Mk.II由良さん

49 121

One ear stood straight up and one ear flopped over. She loved tug-of-war, knew how to open doors, and would never tire of licking whoever’s face was within range. At ten o’clock on the dot, she’d do a steady, percussive “WOMK. WOMK.” bark until I brought her to bed.

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A rambunctious dipshit with an ego complex. His almighty power is smiting the weak minded with the power of L + Ratio

a meme based exe inspired by Sunky and Lord X

2 11

airfix 1/48 A05140 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XVIII
Pre-order | Expected Spring 2022

7 11

☑️Un día como hoy
En 1974, la trasladó seis ✈️ Mk. 71A Hawker Hunter, desde Inglaterra, Base de Londres, hasta sin reabastecimiento de combustible en el aire, cruzando el Océano Atlántico con éxito, destacando el trabajo de pilotos y mecánicos chilenos.

57 233

One of main animators is away atm and we need someone to to help make bfs sprites where he's wearing the uniform as seen in the first pic. So if anyone can do that then lmk.

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今日はのんびりレベリングをしててフレッチャー改 Mod.2がLv99になったのでケッコン、これでケッコン艦は179隻目


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174 532

Still saving up, so I'm open for 25-30$ Painted FURRY headshots
Since they're easier to draw, also I decided to make the prices higher so I don't overwork myself. I can draw almost any species, just lmk. Pay Pal only

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【艦これ】そしてもう1隻!Fletcher改 Mod.2!

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징크스 MK.99

가디언테일즈의 캐릭터 MK.99의 자작 코스튬입니다! 리그 오브 레전드의 징크스 분장을 했습니다

18 107

【再販製品のご案内】タミヤイタレリシリーズ「1/48 ホーカー ハリケーンMk.Ⅰ(人形3体付き)」2022年1月8日頃発売。マーキングはバトル・オブ・ブリテン4種類とマルタ島攻防戦、フィンランド空軍所属機の6種類を用意。実機写真などを収録したA5判36ページの資料集も付属。

24 95

Stream Deck MK.2 Giveaway!!

🧀 Must be Following
🧀 Must Retweet

🧀End March 31st!🧀

Good luck!

76 88


7 24

Hi there! I made a free canine base! Only problem is, idk how to post it.😅😅😅. If anyone has suggestions lmk. Once I figure it out I’ll pin it to the top of my page!

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.:Intercambiando ropita:.

Rs. No fue suficiente lo de ayer???
Mk. Venga, deja de taparte, no se te ve nada con las plumas -intenta no reír al ver sus reacciones
Rs. Te obligaré a estar una semana sin capa! Soy el único que sale perdiendo aquí
Mk. -empieza a reir

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He is literally me. (No cap-)
But if yall know the artist lmk.

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