My husband and I really wanted a video game station at our wedding reception. I made a couple designs of us in our wedding outfits to decorate it.

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A book themed set I designed for the lovely Leon & Carly

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ブログに使うイラストは、Bambooスマートパッドを使って書いてます! シャープペンで下書きを書いて、そのままペンでなぞってデータ化。スキャナを使わず、線画が取り込めるので作業が楽チン٩( 'ω' )و 

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Mitochondrial DNA diseases can be fatal. uses flies to discover how the DNA is passed on

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Two ancient medical works by Galen will be translated into English for the first time by

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For people who need new T cells, Ronjon has a better way to embed the cells in bone marrow

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Sophie is assessing the impact of UK welfare policies on child & maternal mental health

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Pluripotent stem cells can grow into organs. uses them to see how bodies develop

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BAMBOO Slateで描いて、iPadアプリのBAMBOO Paperで色を塗ってみた。

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BAMBOO SlateとBAMBOO Folioがあるみたいだよ

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