Madeline trying to grab a particularly pesky strawberry in
Drawn for with the palette, since that seems only fitting for a game that started from there.

8 66

Who needs hit boxes anyway? Not plesioth! do you miss him? Cause I don’t!

Dailies Day 395 - What’s A Hitbox?

0 3

A of 24 little 16x16 for I tried doing these with a small monochrome palette for a change.

9 87

Yup this month might be about to be full of MH pixel art. Who’s ready?

Dailies Day 393 - Sheepy Poogie

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Detailing this tileset (very WIP...)

8 36

Working on a new tileset! I think it'll be good for strategy/tactical games or stylised RPGs. I'll probably put it up on when I'm done.

3 7

Had fun with this one, playing around with block colours and negative space. Careful I'll be feeling professional next...

4 6