Gabe Newell is enjoying a Coffee Crisp bar! (Which was stolen from Parappa!)

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Parappa & Meiko are enjoying a few bacon wrapped potatoes.

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strappare lungo i bordi

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“uomini fummo, e or siam fatti sterpi” disse Pier dalle Vigne quando Dante lacera un ramoscello su invito di Virgilio – proprio come aveva fatto Enea, che strappando un virgulto lo vide sanguinare e sentì la voce di Polidoro, figlio assassinato di Priamo

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Parappa & Youmu are enjoying a bag of Takis!

1 7 Please join me tonight May 30th at 8 pm Pacific time. Just click the link

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Mark Zuckerberg & Parappa are enjoying a bowl of Halo-Halo!

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Vanilla, Parappa and Richter Belmont are enjoying a bowl of carrot puree.

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I think they are pretty awesome

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Parappa & Ruby Kurosawa are enjoying a slice of chocolate cake!

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Here are all of my female Parappa drawings

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Tomoko Kuroki, Parappa and Maya Fey are enjoying a whole pineapple!

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