'There she goes again, they say,
stirring the dust,
her sandals treading air
as if she were about to break into some
mystic dance, the steps ordained.
There she goes to the spring,
bearing an empty vessel...' https://t.co/yYsYYfJc0O <

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Heinrich Ignaz von Biber: Rosary Sonata No. 1 - "The reinterpreted by Supersonus

by France Kralj


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Today's corresponds with the Feast of the Here are two renditions using a mixture of watercolour and gouache, left: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1855-58, private collection; right: Edward Burne-Jones, 1857-61, collection:

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3月25日是 的诞神女(圣母)领报节(the Annunciation of the Theotokos),我们庆祝天使加百列向童贞玛利亚宣告基督将从她而生。教会提醒我们每一个人都应当像玛利亚那样欣然接受救恩这大喜的信息,也应当像天使那样对上帝肉身的母亲致以崇高的敬意。1/2

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Si schiudono i boccioli color di rosa.
L'ostinato inverno ha annunciato la propria fine. 

          (春告げ~Raggi di primavera~)

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Final Fantasy VII Remake World Preview, libro già disponibile in Giappone, uscirà anche in lingue inglese, il prossimo 8 settembre. Lo ha appena annunciato Square Enix Manga & Books.
🔗 https://t.co/TX2ygN5YKd

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L'angelo annuncia il martirio
a Santa Caterina d'Alessandria
Olio su tela

Collezione privata


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'Annunciation to the Shepherds' by Taddeo c. 1330, fresco, Cappella Baroncelli, Santa Croce, Italy

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The Annunciation, by Lodewijk Toeput

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5 years later acquired the Annunciation from the same ensemble. It's said that there are others still in private hands. https://t.co/l8O2CKmhIK

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Tintoretto, "L’Angelo annuncia il martirio a santa Caterina d’Alessandria" (1560), il "Tintoretto di Bowie"

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E in tema di nuovi adattamenti, ecco che la ha annunciato il casting per il suo (ennesimo) Live Action!
Saranno e i giovani protagonisti di questa versione diretta da (Il Drago Invisibile).

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The Annunciation, by Lodewijk Toeput

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ha annunciato un'edizione fisica per ultimo titolo rilasciato da Tokyo RPG Factory lo scorso anno. In arrivo il 27 marzo su e è preordinabile su al prezzo di €49,99.

🛒 PREORDINALO QUI: https://t.co/jwR7dOIXpf

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