I'm a day late, but since awkward, are practically my spirit animal, belated (Jan 20)!

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Looking on the bright side, today is so here's a fun infographic that I hope makes you smile.

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what's this all about? Do some people not know about these fine creatures??

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Happy ! Did you know more than half of all penguin species are declining in numbers, including the African penguin?

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It's AND so a little cartoon pun - Macaroni and Cheese! Created in

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd much rather think about penguins than Donald Trump

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We're aware of penguins! Here's a penguin food preservation protein published

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There are 18 species of penguin, and after albatrosses, they're the most threatened group of seabirds

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Know your penguins! - here's a summary of the penguin species for Penguin Awareness Day today

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