You watch a YouTube tutorial on painting lips, next minute... you've spent the whole day drawing and forgotten to eat. 😅 Also I just discovered layer blending (glow, colour dodge, etc.) is a thing. Damn, I'm such a newb!

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This year was so important for my art journey as it's the year I firstly decided to start to learn how to draw from zero! Still a long road to go to become a good artist, but I'm trying my best♥️😆
Here's 4 of my drawings of this year!

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Tried something totally different for over on Insta - learned a lot from this one!

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I finally finished this art of toxtricity.
I Hope you like it this drawing everyone.
( I Have a problem to draw hands TwT )
Follow me on instagram and Twitter for to see more drawings.
Ps : sorry for my bad English

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Hitting week 7 of learning to draw with a little fanart of the delightfully chaotic from - I learned lots from this one (so far to go but staying on that grind!)

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This one goes out to all the professional who post sketches, time-lapse videos and progress pics - they're invaluable learning tools for newbie artists, and you're super generous to share them with us. Thank you! ❤️

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A few weeks ago, I generated a few Pokemon to fuse with Serperior on the Pokemon Fusion website. Out of the ones I got, I thought Duskull looked the most interesting.

So, here's Serskull!.... or Duskperior? Oh whatever.

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I was able to start using my drawing tablet in school, so that's cool. This Eevee doodle somehow turned into an actual drawing, which I'm actually really proud of since I'm starting to get the hang of shading now.

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Here are some things I did the last few days. Picking the right colors and blend them together is really hard 😩😩

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I wish I could draw all day but nope, work work im trying to practice as los as i can in my free time :)

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sigh it's so messy but for my first time, i think it came out pretty good! i like the colors i chose :^).

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I recently bought an iPad + Pencil and downloaded csp, so here’s the result :)

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