Try something new this Christmas, and mix it up with our beautiful calorie free advent calendars inspired by Alice in Wonderland and enchanting cards designed by

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508 2554

Burned 666 calories at the gym today.

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what to expect for ? Happy Vitya and lots of calories ♡

13 51

Recipe for a yummy, 600 calories creampie: Minami, 5fl oz of whipping cream, something for tying her up, apple juice and good spirits!

1 11

So exhausted! My week: inking, calorie counting, exercising, taxes, pot lucks, school lunches, inking, inking, and inking.

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Less calories than the creations on but just as yummy, these designs are just perfect!

2 3

お題「Hey! Calorie Queen」

109 225

Calorie100% (Aogiri)/カロリー100%(アオギリ)様!



11 43

This is my life now that I am counting calories seriously. Hungry....

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When you had another naughty treat & your doing all you can to cancel that high calorie mother fucker out!!!

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It's just counting calories at this point. Just scrape 145lbs to see what the "ideal" height and weight looks like. Then do something abou…

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A sweet treat (and no calories if you paint it!)

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Consuming morning calories, like a pro.

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I can't believe he ate ALL the treats. The only thing he'll be burning now is calories.
>fat flareon

28 85

Calories = The Biggest Lie In Weight Loss! Free yourself from this madness! Learn the secret.

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"You think I should balance out the calorie intake? gotta push through for sure!"

At this point you know something is going south, Terry!

24 98

Looks like have a calorie rich diet - A nutritional guide for cannibals by author via :

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