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When I was walking Max today I saw lots of Japanese medlar on the trees! Can't wait to try them!
How did you feel this morning?
I felt great! The secret to feeling good is going to bed early!
We went shell collecting at the weekend. We'll put the clam shells in miso soup for breakfast this week.#CookingMama
Phew! I finished cleaning the house including the bath that's now as shiny as new. I'm exhausted!
Ringo overslept and tried to skip breakfast, but it's the most important meal so I made him eat!
I spent the morning weeding the garden. Weeds grow so quickly in summer you have to keep on top of it!
A swallow has nested in the garden. The chicks are so cute waiting for Mom with their mouths wide open!
We went to Papa's parent's house for a vacation. It's in the country side so we could go camping.
This morning I woke up to the singing of a nightingale! Such a lovely sound to wake up to!
May has arrived! When I was walking Max this morning I saw so many beautiful flowers.
After hanging the washing a swallow flew by. Back after the winter, maybe looking for somewhere to nest.#CookingMama
Today I'm making onion soup! Put a whole onion with consommé and boil well. Then eat it whole!
Spring cabbage is so sweet it tastes great! The kids love spring vegetables too!
The cherry blossom is in full bloom here! It happened so quickly! The next will be the Azalea flowers.
The whole family went strawberry picking at the weekend. The kids loved it and ate a lot!
It's almost time to get out the spring clothes. It will make a nice change to wear lighter clothes!
It's the last day of March already!
Stay tuned for more tweets from Cooking Mama in the future!
#CookingMama #Mar31
Hay fever is worse the day after it rains. Papa is suffering with a runny nose and itching eyes.
It's getting warmer here. It rains often but the rain helps to grow the plants during spring.
Kid's spring holiday starts today. After lunch I'll make some sweets for the children!