May 27 2021 - Daily Painting

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♫ Summer breeze...makes me feel fine... ♫ :) 2065

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May 25 2021 - Daily Painting
"hello mother"
"hello my child"

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It was a Gold Star day today. I got so much done on my list and it feels so good. I hope you had a great day too. :) It's important to celebrate your wins, even if only quietly to yourself. 2063

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Quest complete. :) 2062

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May 23 2021 - daily painting
What aquatic thoughts could it be contemplating...?

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May 22 2021 - daily painting
imagine how it would feel to swim amongst the kelp in the cool brine of the sea

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The Ranger and Mage knew this next room would be a difficult one, but they were ready, and determined to see their charge to safety. 2061

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May daily painting
hehehehe hohohohohoho hahahahaha huhuhuhuhuhu

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Clothes lines not only help you get fresh airy laundry, they also provide an impromptu hammock and spot for a toasty afternoon doing nothin'. ;) 2059

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May 20 daily painting
Bringing that Big Nap Energy to the world, one seal at a time.

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Took a little bit of a break today because I wasn't feeling 100%. Remember to listen to your body, friends and floofs, and take those breaks when you need them. You've got to take care of you, so you can continue to put your wonderful work out into the world. :) 2058

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May daily painting
oh to be a rotund seal napping in the evening light on a sandy beach...

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Daily painting for May
seals are so expressive and cute -w-

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The first garden sprouts have popped up! :) Yes, Spring Bear could just use her magic, but there's something special in helping things grow the old fashioned way. :) 2055

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