Here's the full flyer!! Definitely check it out on 8/18 if you're in the area and like the "classics" of denpa music!!

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I designed the flyer for the Denpa Song Roujinkai DJ event in Kawasaki! Here's my drawing of the super cute mascot designed by !!

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【告知】6/3(日) 秋葉原 にて高速サンプリングミュージックパーティWHATEVER WAVES 05 が開催!今回は韓国からネタモノハードテックを多くリリースする「DENPA-SAMPLER a.k.a. SANY-ON」をお呼びいたしました!

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(18+) Girls in Glasses Releasing on Denpasoft Today

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💍DENPA LOUNGEの窓際に作品展示してもらってます💍

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Denpaさん( )とこの月夜ちゃん~

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"Au milieu des tempêtes" acrylique technique mixte sur toile feuille d'or 23.5K 24X24X1.5 pouces

2 3

"Mon ciel sous le givre" acrylique technique mixte or 23.5K sur toile 12X12X1.5 pouces

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