Rec from a friend~ <3 I love gothic clothes so much!

0 18

You know, despite everything that's happened, I bloomin' love the beach, mates! The glistenin' ocean, the bouncin' waves... Ah, did I say bouncin'? I meant... crashin', yeah, that's it. Gehehe.

2 62

I dunno what this outfit is but I just wanted to use the wings I got as a gift.
【Invite ID】657382501069

0 0

( 'ω')「もっちん()専用水着コーディネート集」

0 52

The level 10 MR, SR background and hair accessory! My best event yet!

0 0

Here's Tohru in the sexy underboob SR link!

0 2

Hoo boy, I better cool off a little after that last Swimsuit Event announcement... Ah, nothing like swimmin' in the ocean... Wait, do I even know how to swim? O-oh miss, could you spare a moment to help a little critter out?

6 97

"Mmm, this is some good food~"
"Oh, did you want some?"
"Go ahead and take however much you want~"

【Invite ID】445405911706

0 14

Why are diamonds a girl's best friend?! It's just a bloomin' rock, for cryin' out loud! You know what makes much better friends? Raccoons! Much better than some ol' hunk of carbon.

1 72

I really like this back hair for Alice. Yes I abuse the wink face.

0 0

Are you ready for the Swimsuit Event, mates?! You might just get this lovely M--- Holy Macaroni!! Her b-buh... b-b-buh... Ahem... Blimey, I think I have heatstroke...

2 90

I've been putting my girls in swimsuits to get ready for the event

0 25

I see you've got a thing for snakes, your majesty. How do you feel about raccoons? You'd love 'em! Such noble creatures... and bloomin' loyal too!

1 68