Hi there folks! I create The Broken Ones, a DnD-inspired fantasy/action comic about a trio of dysfunctional adventurers forced to work together.


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Hey you!

Do you like tabletop RPGs, or dysfunctional mercenary companies?

Come watch Hunt For The Ripper tonight at 7pm PST!

Han Jovi is a merc group looking for a serial killer, and to make some credits, on the stormy of planet Empyrea!

Art by !

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i love two (2) dysfunctional families

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Mage and Demon Queen S2E18 is out!
I’m glad Malori’s learning from her mistakes 😊
Also, seriously, what’s up with this royal family? I can’t tell if they’re dysfunctional or just plain weird 😅
At least Leora is still a cutie ☺️❤️

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more gen 8 sketch practices, dedicated to the dysfunctional fossil family

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When you're trying to concentrate on a conversations, and your executive function disorder says NOPE and you come off looking incredibly rude. Thanks brain!

Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/pUK5axRwEx

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Our dysfunctional family

Rough draft

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Dani3l and Ver0nica have somewhat of a dysfunctional relationship 🤖

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they're like a (dysfunctional) detective family

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little junepei doodle. i love these incredibly dysfunctional bastards

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“You know someone asked me once ‘Olwen, can your anatomical craft cure my erectile dysfunction?’”

“The technical answer is yes, but the truthful answer is that I would maim someone if they ever asked me that again.”

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Still riding out the strong emotions from finally completing the story to Final Fantasy X. I haven't been this invested in a group of characters in a while. So here, have a Jecht sketch, because the most dysfunctional characters tend to be my favorite.

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I've been watching International House Hunters for fun over the holiday break and am shocked that nearly all the featured couples have seriously dysfunctional relationships 😂🤣

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Collapser by and team. '...like an ode to weird heroes...It's not an homage, it doesn't play off existing characters or ideas, but it delivers a brand new dysfunctional superhero with all of the weirdness of its forebears.'

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executive dysfunction feels like this

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fwens. fwens but dysfunctional

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I made this for FYP (shut up you guys no snitchy snitchy) (please pray for me that I dont do breakdown 2: electric boogaloo, my group is dysfunctional and I dislike someone there a lot)

His name is Riku Satou 佐藤凌久「さとうりく」and he is a normal salaryman.

HD vs Pixel Art

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I imagine that they’re leafy, but dysfunctional wings. I don’t think he’s half-feathery mainly because he looks like a full dryad but with wings, so I imagine it was a change magic thing, but only for aesthetic.

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French surgeon René Leriche (1879-1955) described the symptoms of aorto-iliac occlusive disease in 1923: claudication of buttocks and thighs (from the Latin claudus, meaning lame), absent or decreased femoral pulses, and erectile dysfunction. We now call this Leriche syndrome!

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Go i can't wait to get back to Reflections full swing i miss these dysfunctional bastards and their familiars

Devil is literally just Depressed Higschooler and Curry is. Curry. Cozy and Honey are also babies.

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