[fe3h] mom said it was my turn to draw byleth wrapped up in dimi's cape

14 22

[#fe3h] Drew the requested FE3H babies 👶

151 382

[fe3h] Papa Jeralt taking care of twin Byleths. Its either this or stuffing two babies in one pram.

215 375

[fe3h] older Hubert and Ferdinand. Ferdinand ended up more haggard looking but being advisors to the emperor for so long can’t be easy

2295 6262

[fe3h] the unhappy couple (ferdinand/bernadetta) - based on their A support. arranged marriage AU

1061 3399

[fe3h] sylvain reads bernadetta's new (steamy) novel

7968 16858

[fe3h] ferdinand/hubert

2447 5596

[#fe3h] 🌱💕

13 22

[fe3h] you don't like my clothes, but you still like my smile

5 4

[#fe3h] world hard and cold.... tiddy soft and warm

356 925

[FE3H] intento no matar a los antiguos alumnos pero algunos son muy fuertes y me dejan a dos velas

0 1

[fe3h] quick claude drawn on dp.... can someone explain how his hair works :(

91 183

[fe3h] five years is quite a long time

88 255

[#fe3h] dude! it’s Lorenz!!!

125 223

[fe3H] baby byleth doodles

0 1

[fe3h] do not let them be apart ever........

461 883