Saturdays are for getting absolutely blazed out of your mind, hope everyone is having a great day! 🔥🧀

38 92

Finally getting a high-resolution ver of Ji Yushi + Diamond Bird! We've seen a lot of scenes already frm the voiced comic but I'm still looking forward to this.

manhua will start serializing this October, to be updated every Monday:

51 158

is vibing stronger than any other project right now, super early! “Get that 🧀🧀🧀”!

4 11

Painting Fool (2013)by S.Colton, suggests if programs are to count as creative,they’ll have to pass smth different frm Turing test & rather than simply being able to converse in convincingly human manner,AI ‘d have to behave in ways that were ‘skillful,appreciative& ­imaginative’

0 2

Hope y’all having a blessed day. Growing my crew slowly and steady, please welcome my new rarest fat rat in my collection!

27 60

only 883/7777 items listed under 1 so who cares about the FP atm 🐀 🧀 🚀🌑

41 94

Bought 4, been waiting all day do rats really follow rats?

31 63

The is happening in less than 12 hours, who's excited? This has been years in the making!

15 36

I've been stacking quite a bit over the last week or so, up to 12 now

1 7

Just had to🤌🏼🤌🏼🚀💎📈🧀🐀 SRINKLE GANG

22 53

Stacked another one today, the is growing day by day 🔥🧀

35 91

Congrats fam, so dope!! Welcome to the sewer! 🧀

1 3

Found another Gem 💎 on the floor, and to my surprise it's the KING 👑 FATRAT MAFIA. 🧀


36 74

Got these three off of the floor today, people are goofin' for selling at these prices 🧀🔥

25 65