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KOS-MOS from Xenosaga Episode I requested over my Patreon 💜 https://t.co/94ISbsvhPw

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Dream cosplays lmao kos-mos is a reach, but I can pretend.

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Kos-Mos along with 2B in one piece together. I love it😌👌

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And here is something completely different. I'm not really a pixel artist but sometimes I like to mess around with making stuff. Here are KOS-MOS's Ether/Zohar Cannons from XC2.

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以前フレンドが再現したゼノサーガ タブバイクと自作KOS-MOS再現の再掲

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heyo! I'm Jade, I'm a bit more active on my tumblr (@ kos-mos) but i'm autistic and have pretty bad chronic pains from my scoliosis and endometriosis. I draw lots of dragons and have recently been trying to work on comics again

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朝練2日目! KOS-MOS Re:

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Its KOS-MOS from Xenosaga!

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Here's something I never expected: KOS-MOS and Shion (Albedo as well, but I found no proof) from Xenosaga appear in a Japan exclusive series of baseball games called "Famista" made Namco. This is such an obscure fact that I had trouble even finding proof. I cannot believe this.

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KOS-MOS Re:描きました(`ᾥ’)

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やっと入手した記念に描いたKOS-MOS 💫

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