Apparently, so so many people have been comparing me to Kushina Uzumaki.. she happens to be me in the anime universe :v I kinda agree though

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Otanjoubi Omedetto, Uzumaki Kushina!! 🎉🎁😄

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Susano and Kushinadahime for my ~<3

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I found this pict and I think this pict is so Cute😍😘


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Kushina, Hinata, And Himawari

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"Lovely mother and daughter :)"

Naruko X Kushina Manga

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NaruHina Family Birthday selfie from the Boruto The Movie😄😄


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Best Brother and Sister ~~😘😘


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Minato, Kushina, Naruto
Fan Art

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Fact: Junko said that her favourite scene on Naruto is Minato and Kushina's Love Story!

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