Cópia é a amostra de DNA de um metáfase do planeta Prometáfose do Omnitrix
Consegue criar clones a partir do DNA de outro ser, adaptando suas habilidades

RT e Like fazem eu te amar pra sempre, faz a boa ai mermão

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Beodorant is a Skoupidian from the planet Gargunk. She is covered in a horribly putrid mold that spreads onto everything it touches. Her bad breath is no better.

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Beetbox is a Vulgarian from the planet Ninfin. Her mouth is highly advanced, allowing her to beatbox better than any professional beatboxer on Earth, and endlessly too.

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Illusion, being put into a dream sequence of events that fancied his desires.

"Rex I am SO your sidekick!"

"Duh! The more handsome one gets to be the main hero"

...Including him and one of his best of friends, Ben Tennyson...Fueling his ego comparison to the Omnitrix


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What’s funny is in the 5 Years Later comics, Overkill is the name of the Klyntar in the Omnitrix

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Either the OS 10K Omnitrix, or the Ultimatrix, can't choose, but happy with either. Didn't pick Alien X because i really don't wanna deal with that.

If there's still the show's characters and such coming WITH the Omnitrix, i'll just prep time for Vilgax lmao

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Gente to terminando a cópia do protótipo do meu antigo omnitrix,caraio faz tempo que não uso o matéria cinzenta tbm

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Gax é a amostra de DNA de Chimera Sui Generis do planeta Vilgaxia do Omnitrix
Possui grande força física e resistência, além de conseguir transformar suas mãos em tentáculos

RT e Like ajudam dms! (6 horas de trabalho lek)

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"Diamante, "tadenita" consciente. Sou feito do metal mais raro existente!"

Diamante "de Gelo" de acordo comigo quando eu era uma criancinha, um dos aliens mais fodas do clássico.

Diamante e Diamante com zoin e Omnitrix brilhando

❤️+🔄= Amor de Petrópia

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Porkchop is a Butchog from the planet Glut. She can cut through any meat and bones with her blades and eat without ever feeling full. Mud also amplifies her strength.

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This idea came to me when watching & on their Minecraft/Ben10 stream (which was a lotta fun btw, u guys are awesome) yea it's an older and grizzled (Minecraft) Steve patrolling the mines with his omnitrix. I call it....

Minecraft: Hero Generation

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Ramjet is a Capracurrus from the planet Caprin. She can run really fast with her hooves/wheels and ram into objects and buildings with her very durable head and horns.

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Con todo esto del mes de y el cumple de , se me ocurrió hacer unas cuantas formas alien de usuarios con el marco de omnitrix, partiendo por el en forma de revonnahgander, la especie de Rook.

¡Feliz mes de Ben 10! 💪👽

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Monsterdon is a Behemotherium from the planet Yuka. She is 160 feet tall. She can tear down buildings with her tusks and her claws can dig large holes in the ground.

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Sou do Multiverso! Meu nome é Chad Starfire, sou um portador de Omnitrix! (Sou da Life Foundation junto do )

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Speye is a Scoposapien from the planet Scopo. She has a giant eye socket full of eyes that can fly around freely. She can also turn invisible along with her eyes.

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