Si tuviera dibujando la mitad de talento que tengo para hacer que te corras ya estaría exponiendo en museos y vendiendo libros y seminarios privaos... Pero de momento hay que conformarse con tener buenos orgasmos y comer fideos chinos

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(ナカムラルビイ × ユージ・レルレ・カワグチ)



5 7

Xlers que estão de quarentena, não se esqueçam de se cuidar e seguir à risca todas as medidas de higiene recomendadas para evitar o contágio e disseminação do COVID-19.
E para quem estiver no tédio, aqui vai uma thread de fanfics maravilhosas:

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Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825) painted this, The Funeral of Patroclus, in 1778. It is his first neoclassical work & he would go on to be the master of the neoclassical movement. It was painted in Rome. Now recognised as seminal in his oeuvre, it was once a table top!

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Então amiga é headcanon, baseado em uma fanart que eu fiz porém eu to tentando disseminar um filho andrew pro mundo só por questão de entretenimento mesmo

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Limited Edition PG (#PsychoGoreman) Trading Cards (designed by Studio Marimo) were to be disseminated to the Midnighter audience tonight.

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Today we present hand-colored lithographic plates of flowers from 'Sämmtliche Giftgewächse Deutschlands...', by Eduard Winkler. The book is Winkler’s seminal work on all the poisonous plants of Germany and includes 96 colored illustrations. See more here:

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At Don't miss 's seminar today at 5pm in Sorrento 4, full of the latest updates and some exclusive reveals!

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The session of my Islamic book history seminar that was cancelled today would have focused on libraries in the pre-modern Islamic world. A thread on some of the topics we would have discussed.

(Abū Zayd in the library, from a ms of Ḥarīrī’s Maqāmāt, Ms Paris BNF Arabe 5847)

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Our news ! You are invited! Opening a free exhibition in Tūranga & free seminar series to mark the launch of our city wide youth online survey about how we can flourish in low carbon ways part of work with 18 March 5.30pm

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Comics Conference Alert!THE WORLD OF COMICS: IT'S ART, AESTHETICS AND FUTURE. Calcutta Girl's College and Jadavpur University, Department of English is going to conduct a two days ICCR sponsored National Seminar on Comics.Venue, contact details are mentioned in the images

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Would anyone be interested in like.. $35 fullbody commissions? I'm researching funds I'm going to need for senior seminar next semester and it's *a lot* and I need to save up.

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Dicono che c'è un tempo per seminare
e uno lungo per aspettare
io dico che c'era un tempo sognato
che bisognava sognare. Ivano Fossati

Notte serena per te, carissimo Erminio e tutti amici💙
F Carcano

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If you're at , or in the Austin area and free to come to a seminar next Thursday, March 12, at 11AM, come see me talk about science comics and the current education research using them.

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Had a crazy long work seminar today, drew this yarn spinning frog. I might finish this one up down the road.

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a quick lil self portrait i drew for seminar (^:

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(ナカムラルビイ × ユージ・レルレ・カワグチ)




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Something canines do to make sure their cock stays in their mate. Its a biological feature of their cock that, in non scientific terms, causes swelling around the base that create two knots that help prevent separation until insemination

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I'm sure this is somewhat sacrilegious, considering it's Bezon and all....

...buuuuut I have been thinking about giving him an alternate outfit, or "formal" robes, for when he has to go to Wizard seminars, meetings, etc.

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