軍艦行進曲 J-POPアレンジ Japanese navy song “Warship March” J-POP arrangement https://t.co/MLAyej3FIr

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――総員造艦、錨を上げよ。艦隊クラフトTPSゲーム『艦つく –Warship Craft-』連合戦開催!! https://t.co/B1NCZMJwGU

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She's a mercenary, and she's traveled through space on a warship to find out who she really is

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Oceanus, aquatic counterpart to Lysithea.

Where Oceanus has shoulder canons similar to Lysithea, her true nature is to instead command an entire warship via linkage.

As such, she leads a sizable armada, meant for back up vessels to link.

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Warship Girls R x Granblue Fantasy (16)
Shropshire & Europa

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World of warshipsの影響ですっかり駆逐艦に沼ってしまったw🤤👍💦💦💦💦

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【wows】フブキ&マリンのリスナー参加World of Warships対戦!!!! https://t.co/jUW8dFF2bN

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Type 055 Destroyer & Lider Class Destroyer (Concept) Side by Side Size Comparison [1324x707] from /u/RefrigerRaider at https://t.co/pXNWGgK2IF

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「World of Warships」,スウェーデン艦艇のアーリーアクセス実装を含むアップデート0.9.2が本日実施 https://t.co/tctIMClgIn

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