Art of my the Dark Heresy group I'm in. Sometimes a family is a bunch of nerds

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This past week I've taken a break from working on Astartes OCs and have begun focusing on my human 40k characters. This is my Knight Pilot, I've not done anything with her for two years so I've done some reworks :)

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"Me and the boys, on our way to die for the Emperor."

The Death Korps of Krieg go to show just how whack WH40K can be, and I love it.

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"In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement."

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Some fancy Fallen logo stuff I made back in April, but only now deciding to share. They're also not the original size here, they've been downsized to 25% original canvas size, for personal reasons, but they've still good quality either way

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Does anyone have Inq Greyfax’s sword going spare? If so hit me up in the DMs as I’m needing another for a conversion project. .

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The Sisters of Battle are pretty dope.

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(Reupload) I don’t think Sivier would have a traditional helmet considering he doesn’t really have traditional MK III armour either, all artificer and specially crafted to fit him. So let’s just…Toss this here ah ha

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Time for what you have all been waiting for! My 500 Follower giveaway!

Ever wanted to see yourself as a WH40k or D&D character? Well, one lucky winner will get the chance to have an illustration of exactly that!
Rules to Follow (1/2)

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would you show some warm love to a poor girl? wh40k Skiitarii Ruststalker
2018 drawing of when i started, kinda old but fits all the mechanicus babes

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Я хотела рядом нарисовать Жиллимана, но он кажется не влез. В кадр.

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