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Thank you to artists for helping to keep Buffy (and Willow) going!

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This is a small show off of how is going! It's still a Work In Progress! 😀

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Growth Drive still going! Latest tier for !
Instructions for how to help Chef Wuffie grow here:

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Here's Grope Sans, a naughty little typeface from Bompas & Parr to get your Friday going!

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been feeling anxious about streaming but a friend of mine was bummed that i missed yesterday!! feels nice <3 OK LETS KEEP GOING! this wknd!!

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This Moose had no idea what he was getting into!! A funny request from my stream today and still going!! :)

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some pixel art for the shop section, a bit rough around the edges but liking where this is going!

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UNDERCITIES anthology (https://t.co/VeX6s1SBqH) goal is met & still going! As congrats, here's Halima from 's short story!

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You are so amazing 💖 keep going!

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(pixiv見れない方へmokkai ÜPさせてもらおう

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2011 vs. 2016 ..... 5 years!!! up and up let's keep going!

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when you 'do a little drawing' to go with an iTunes voucher and 4 hours 3 drinks later you are still going!

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11/27岐阜【Dance Studio Beat-in】さんの発表会「JUST KEEP GOING!!」。このショーの舞台背景16m×4mを全部描かせていただいたんですが、デザフェスと被ってたので生で見れず…悔しすぎ!YASBONさんを初め関係者の皆様本当にお疲れさまでした!

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改めて、12月11日のCollage Event Ade7に参加します~。ハルシオンデイズはA-7です。ちょっぴりファンタジーなほのぼの狐娘まんが『EASYGOING!』の総集編もっていきます~ 

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Keep going! Your job is not done yet, worried Roman horse mermaid.

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