画質 高画質

So I decided to completely scrap my old sona and design a new one. Here’s crow 2.0!!

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60's 色の濃いUSミルウォーキーのパワーポップバンド。RESONARSやGOODNIGHT LOVINGのファンにオススメです。2枚組で全6曲入り。08年リリース。グレート!https://t.co/QWL2Gmyayk

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DEATH BATTLE! Big Gay Al & Dry Bowser VS Joe Fixit & Jair Bolsonaro

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Por que

☑️ Pelos mais de 2 milhões de infectados pelo Covid
☑️ Pelos quase 80 mil mortos
☑️ Por indicar Hidroxicloroquina, mesmo prejudicial
☑️ Pelo ostracismo do MS ante pandemia
☑️ Por incentivar invasão de hospitais
☑️ Por espalhar o vírus
☑️ Por queimadas

383 952

💖Likes and Retweets are appreciated!💖

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The rainstorm and the river are my brothers.
The heron and the otter are my friends.
And we are all connected to each other.
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends.

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no se que nombre ponerle xd
pero sonaría bonito uno como no se... Benjamin?

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Drew this last night to test out my new sonar pen. Despite the fact that it won't connect to my tablet it still worked fine. I really like how this came out.

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Early concept of Sonic
Yes, this is the character design of Sonic as a rabbit before the game release in 1991

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