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Goodnight, every muffin! Hope you had a great day; Luna bless!

4 1

Goodnight, every muffin! Have a Luna and Snowdrop, sorry for the lack of tweets. :/

8 8

Good morning, every muffin! Have a Princess Celestia to start the day~! :3

1 5

Goodnight every muffin! Hope you had a great day, Luna bless! Octavia to substitute Luna.

7 4

Good morning, every muffin! I'm still really sleepy though; pic related.

3 6

Goodnight every muffin! Have a young Celestia and Woona of sorts. ♡ Luna bless!

3 5

Good morning, every muffin! Happy and have a Celestia with Twi.

8 10

G'night every muffin! Have a Nightmare Moon today, and happy

2 7

Good morning, every muffin! Have a Princess Celestia to start the day~ <3

2 6

Goodnight, every muffin! Luna bless you all, have a great day.

4 6

Have a Fleur de Lis, every muffin! :D Fleur is really pretty. ^^

3 8

Good morning, every muffin! Have a great :D

3 8

And, I'm back! Have a Crystal Rarity, every muffin! :) x

2 7

Good morning, every muffin! I hope you guys like Humanized ponies, 'cause that's what I have for you!

1 5

Good morning, every muffin! Have a Princess Celestia to start the day~! And a Philomena too! ^^

3 8

Well then, goodnight every muffin! Have a Nightmare Moon~! <3

3 3

Did they train you guys to react so quickly? ._. (HUMAN VINYL SCRATCH, MUFFINS)

4 2

Goodnight, every muffin! (I'm re-stocked with Luna pics, as you can see.)

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Well then, good morning, every muffin! Start off the day with a Cadance~

3 5

Goodnight, every muffin! (I have no Luna currently, so a Rainbow Dash will have to do)

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