画質 高画質

I tried shading for the first Time, but I think it fundamentally flopped

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you realize it's the last day of the weekend.

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Esta hija de puta quemó al perro con agua hirviendo difundan!!

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Fundamentals by Term 1 Students: https://t.co/Rv5OQlj2KO

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Regalito de cumple <3 Intuos y yo tenemos una relación muy profunda, en serio *^* Los nuevos gráficos serán la ostia

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work in progress. I've been focusing on fundamentals lately, I haven't painted anything in a long while.

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Ilustración que hice en 2014 para Respiralia, Fundación contra la Fibrosis Quística. Apare… https://t.co/lawBwVeaRI

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Our personal favorite boredem cure: Sneeze The Dragon https://t.co/JOYvq5XthB

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