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Tia, you cheeky little muffin. Who knew you were the pranking type?

4 6

Have a Princess Cadance and a Shining Armour, every muffin! <3 (Yes, I spell it as 'armour'.)

4 6

I'm back, every muffin! :) I don't know if you like this art style though... Happy by the way!

2 8

Everyday is Derpy day! Have a muffinlicious day! <3

4 5

Happy every muffin! :3 Have an awesome wub-filled day!

3 2

Good morning, every muffin! Have a Princeds Celestia~! (This is really pretty!)

4 10

Okay, have a Nightmare Luna, every muffin! (Just came up with that.)

2 4

Good morning, every muffin! How are all of you today? :3

3 5

Good morning, every muffin! Have a Princess Celestia for the morning! <3

2 4

Good morning, every muffin! The Living Tombstone to start your day? :)

4 7

Happy every muffin! :) I love you all; and so does Twilight.

1 5

Goodnight, every muffin! Time for me to go to bed and sleep. With a Pinkie Pie plush. >:3 Anyway, Luna bless!

5 5

I'll be back later, okay muffins? :) Leaving you guys with a Chrysalisss~~~

3 6

I'll be back later, okay? I'll leave you muffins with this. :)

2 3

Good morning, every muffin! Have a Princess Celestia and Derpy Hooves! :D

2 5

Goodnight, every muffin! Hope you had a great day~ <3

3 6

Happy my muffins! :D Derp~~~ 6u9

8 8

Goodnight, my muffins! Love you all~ Luna bless! <3

2 7

I'm seriously running out of pics. Goodnight, muffins!

2 3

Good morning, every muffin! Happy Have a Trixie. ^^

3 6