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Oh also my favorite 100% accurate scene from kh3

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Without saying your age, post four games that came out when you were 14.

the only reason i didn't put KH2 was that i was technically 13 when that came out https://t.co/gvbXZ4JgMQ

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With all these recent anime-styled Disney mobile games, it almost feels like they’re trying to replace Kingom Hearts with something they more completely own haha

Maybe they’ll just relinquish KH fully to Square? (Probably not)

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A vent piece of mine! My self insert Kingdom Hearts OC, havin' a rough time atop the clock tower.
Check out my speedpaint video of this piece, too!

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4 games from the year I turned 14

hell YES, this LINEUP (I'm counting KH2 since it came out in the west that year)

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What game(s) are you planning to play over the holidays?

- I'll probably continue my Cyberpunk playthrough & finally start KH: MoM. :)

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Ok I do have to sleep but I’ve enjoyed the past 12 hours of playing kh2

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A piece i made for my kh blog on Tumblr, thought I may as well share it here!

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Here are just the seasalt trio images (+ 1 isa) up close from the requests i love these three and I really need to draw them more often

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