딸기 수확하는 성규 리퀘 :)

55 126

부업거리에 집중하는 성규 너무너무 귀욥...
끼리끼리 제작진 님들 이런 거 자주 보여주시고
성규는 더더더 자세히 보여주세요 🙏

41 84

200209 김성규 Solo Concert SHINE ENCORE

오빠 전생에 햄찌였죠?? 솔직히 말해봐요 김햄찌씨! 🐹

57 109

and the the first thing sunggyu bought for himself was water🥤 that's right, stay hydrated!! esp bcos he seemed to have colds or sth during the filming 😢

15 43

srsly tho gyu was so good at this!! the way he does it was sooooo smooth and he was so concentrated even his teammates were all talking with each other

17 43

the second mission was to take out the meat from the marsh snail where they get 300 won per 10g. Sunggyu was legit so good at this he earned 2100 won the first time he submitted his bowl 👌🏻

46 87

sunggyu when they were being briefed about the agenda for the day vs sunggyu after folding a few boxes for the first mission 😂

10 17

<<나래가 성규를 대하는 태도
그리고 야엘분위기>>

0 0

수호랑 성규랑

28 60

성규 뭐해.. 머리 얼마나 길었엉? 어떤 노래 녹음했엉? 요즘 뭐 입고 다녕? 많이 궁금해

10 23

진짜 내 심장 박살내려고 작정했어ㅠ 성규 너무 귀여워❤️❤️

10 23

성규네 고시리

92 127

날계란밖에 업지 요기!!! ٩(๑`н´๑)۶

127 178

after each member already cracked an egg and non got any boiled ones, this team just went and cracked the remaining eggs on their foreheads one by one i can't EVEN 😂😂😂

4 8

jiwon gave him a drink after he got out tho but he pulled it back later because sunggyu almost finished it all alr 😂

5 9

김성규 넘 귀엽당께..

42 65

리퀘해주신 마스크낀 성규..! 우리 성규 건강해라 무조건

4 10