OOF c'était long mais voilà jespersavouplé
(repost déso)

278 2109

I think some little critters found their way into this~ Also I think people would like me to draw more robots??😆

5 24

Voila, ça été long mais j'ai finis ! Merci à tous pour vos propositions ❤️

11 41

Thank you all for your suggestions, I had a blast drawing & panting all of them! :D - Now back to the other chores! haha
Here´s the final overview of my

12 78

Forth one gotta be Cloud! Another godamn hair challenge, but I´m just...happy I made it happen haha. Anyway, quite happy with this one in particular :)

0 25

Third one will be Merida! Her hair is a godamn challenge to simplify, lol

1 43

suggested monster princess super s and it took a while but here she is 4 slots are left and I’m consider a few more from my comments sorry about the compression the full pic won’t look as bad

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