My lil zombie baby 🐒🧟‍♂️🌐😍

5 25


I sold my house (no picture since I don't own it anymore (manners)😐) for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

3 24

how i joined

sold my History Supreme for this NFT, but i think BAYC is a bigger flex. always excited to be part of this community! so this works i've heard?

8 80

Finally joined

Will miss my rocket ship, but BAYC is obviously a bigger flex. So excited to be a part of this! lets do this!

2 23


I sold my most prized watch out of my collection for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

11 297


I sold my left testicle for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

37 686


I sold an NFT for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

4 183

Really excited to share I finally joined the
I did have to sell some crypto to do it, but I think it was the right bet long term

0 32

I sold my Manhattan parking spot for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

10 144


I sold my Lambo for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

0 31

Finally fractionalized into the

I sold my family for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

4 43

Finally joined

Had to sell my family for this NFT, but I think Mutant Ape is a bigger flex.

Does still work? I'm so lonely

87 1094


I sold my skyscraper for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

34 512


I sold my Gulfstream for this NFT, but I think BAYC is a bigger flex. So excited to be part of this community! So this works I've heard?

318 3550

Nice apes fam! Looks like they all need some matches and ape coffee drops ;) Apes on every bag. Reach out to them w/ that collection. By apes, for apes.

23 36

// Our Fan Art for Guest the Three Glitches Class hidden in this image and enter to win a Lost Glitches Comic🔥

1⃣ Like and Retweet.
2⃣ Comment about three class.
3⃣ Tag three friends.

49 75

About to hop on a flight headed back home — any chance we can hit 2k before I land 👀

3 11

He’ll forever be my favorite
I need more connects

3 35

Rejoined by with my now just need to find a matching doggie


1 41