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Shiny Primarina from today’s art stream! My favorite Alolan starter.

Thank you all for tuning in 🤍

24 151

Tied for favorite Regional is Alolan Raichu too 😭😭 https://t.co/GAryaWI5nt

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Guess team rocket already got to me. Time to make some grunts

will make a good Alolan Raichu

16 53

Join for ONE LAST stream to with !

After bagging a Shiny Alolan Vulpix in a frankly ridiculous 16 attempts last time, he's aiming for a repeat with the Kanto form!


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Day 9:
Alolan Raichu - Caramello

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Pokémon fusion! Between Shinx , Alolan Raichu, and Eevee! They’re a Electric Normal type ✨

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Finished Pokémon commission! It’s an Alolan inspired custom trainer as a gift for the clients nephew🌴

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Reply to this tweet with your:

Favourite Pokémon: Gengar
Favourite Legendary pkmn: Enteikoune 👀
Favourite Shiny pkmn: Espeon
Favourite Regional Form: Alolan Marowak https://t.co/XdmTuQKhOq

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Beach style: Alolan Nintales
Fancy lady owns a 5* retreat in Aeos Island

6 31

Reply to this tweet with your own:

Favorite Pokémon: Ninjask
Favorite Legendary Pokémon: Lugia
Favorite Shiny Pokémon: Mega Beedrill
Favorite Regional Form: Alolan Sandslash (galarian corsola/cursola were tied but I actually used sandslash, so)

https://t.co/VF1fu87Qhu https://t.co/iKPKFUMlZX

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I was tag twice >:3 thank you Purin and 💖🌸

Top 3 Pokémon!
⭐️ Raichu (alolan)
⭐️ Plusle
⭐️ Minun

And I tag these cuties https://t.co/aEtT6ei0iO

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It was a hard choice between Hisuian Typhlosion and Alolan Raichu 😭

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Favourite Pokémon: Garchomp
Favourite Legendary Pokémon : Xerneas
Favourite Shiny Pokémon: Shiny Sylveon
Favourite Regional Form: Alolan Raichu https://t.co/ZadzlUUd4u

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Alolan raichu surfing in with a delivery. [pokemon]

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