With the campaign news, my thoughts took me back to the times I’d be sitting beside shopfronts wandering if I would feel accepted while I had people staring at me for wearing my Turban. So the piece of Art you see, is a true reflection.

14 77

Asoryuu pda, because damn this guys.

* SPOILER WARNING* don't read the dialogues if you dont want spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney/ Dai Gyakuten Saiban.

32 91

Decided to draw Ichiban. Super hype for the new game.

0 0

Few weeks have passed since Frank and Cruzer swapped body types.

They boy have settled well in their roles, Cruzer indulging in just about every food, cigar and beer out there. While Frank enjoys being thin, being active and watching his massive husban.

Art by

217 1117

ban.( )さんに似顔絵描いていただいた、、😭💕 前からずっと好きだった、あのban.さんの世界観に私がいることが嬉しすぎる。。ホクロの位置までも…!本当に素敵…ありがとうございます!!!😂💫

1 35

Dios es el ser supremo al que las religiones monoteístas consideran como creador del universo. Se trata de una deidad a la que diversas religiones rinden culto y alaban.

6 29

y yo callandome y diciendo que no a lo borde... porque era lo mas fácil si me preguntaban... (bueno, vale, lo de decirlo un poco borde era para darle salsita...)

10 377

Ex-military lawmakers Rep. Mike Sherrill & Rep. Jason Crow - Bring back assault weapons ban. Stop easy access to weapons of war https://t.co/GMzRUnRitT via &

16 17

2013: Castigates Central Park Five.

2014: Promotes birther lies.

2015: Mexicans are “rapists.”

2016: Muslim ban.

2017: Calls neo-Nazis “very fine people.”

2018: Refers to Africa “shithole countries.”

2019: Tweets racism & incites violence.

83 161

I’ll start! My name is Moe and I love to draw female characters and anything cute. I’m doing digital art as of now and will open commissions any time ☺️

I will RT as much as I can and save this thread. Will regulate it to avoid the shadowban.

Have fun, everyone! 🥰

22 40

2013: Castigates Central Park Five.

2014: Promotes birther lies.

2015: Mexicans are “rapists.”

2016: Muslim ban.

2017: Calls neo-Nazis “very fine people.”

2018: Refers to Africa “shithole countries.”

2019: Tweets racism.

is not among the

2777 7660

An important story about crime/gangsterism, courtesy of Meera Badmanaban.

"A scream shattered the quiet night. I woke my husband and shouted, 'There's someone in our house!' A parang hacked our door..."

56 69

It would be pretty funny if we ever ran into Google's cleavage ban. We only have a few minor NPCs that show cleavage, and there's a reason they're dressed that way. 😅

6 13

otro fan art para porque no hice nada el finde semana , me base ahora en el diseño de la historia de deltarune como la cuenta mas bien ahi esta el dizeiku el kein y el esteban.Son como las tres de la mañana y empece como a las ocho de la noche xd 😴

2 37

Inang Bayan, Lumalaban.

349 1324

Por fin pude ver el especial RainbowRoadtrip del que tanto hablaban.
No solo su animación fue excelente, la historia con una trama sencilla, pero que no se siente pesada por el carisma de sus personajes, es algo que no veia en un buen rato.


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Moonbyul Continuing to Break Gender Standards/Norms.

[1st] She is wearing Male Yang-ban. Traditional clothes commonly worn by High-Class men of the Joseon Dynasty.

[2nd] Traditional Male Hanbok. A Formal attire worn in ceremonies & Traditional Celebrations.

511 750

New ref sheet for of his derpy and adorable yeen boy Groban.

1 7

Cartoon inspired by the silly and brilliant B.Kliban.

0 2

Quizzing the niece on Star Wars...
Greg: What does Kylo Ren wear on his head?
Mum-in-law: A turban.

0 3