BAHAHA I’m gonna get sent to arkham for this 🤣
Inspired by that mad hatter scene in Arkham City and the cute tiktok rabbit hats

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is coming 🎄☃️
Clark wants to be Santa Claus this year! 😂😂❤️

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"People who don't know Batman assume he's an asshat. But underneath all the masks he wears… he cares."
"People who don't know me assume I hate him. But underneath all the masks I wear… I love him."

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I have to improve the shades of gray colors
Nanananana BATMAN!!

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Sry had to ReUpload a thing due to small minor changes xD never work after nightshifts when u only get 3 hours sleep in total. Anyway, next part for hope you like so far 😭 more asap

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Finally my headcanon for those scars are out 😭 I had a few drafts for this story prepared but I wanted to stay with the first thought, so I kept it. Hope you enjoy so far, next part asap.

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