Thanks collocation and try ❤️AR animation! Also thanks for reminding me the QR code have issues with the black colors background.
😅🤗So please, if collectors want to see AR I live, if Scan AR with the white background QR code.

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Korat cat
known colloquially as the good luck cat
⭐️Properties of cat skill
Good luck/Lucky/People lover

🐱Lucky cat with angry face

1 3

oh right
i have this screenshot of collot because i like the whole fact he's lifting up his ear to listen better and i like to imagine digby doing the same thing

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“Perdón, perdón, perdón, perdón.”
Repitió esa palabra incansables veces mientras ceñía su agarre. McCollough correspondió el abrazo con la misma fuerza, ambos inhalaron el aroma del otro con total calma y necesidad, sus feromonas salían de sus cuerpos y se mezclaban entre sí. (+)

1 8

¡Oh, capitán! ¡Mi capitán! Nuestro terrible viaje ha terminado, el barco ha sobrevivido a todos los escollos, hemos ganado el premio que anhelábamos, el puerto está cerca, oigo las campanas, el pueblo entero regocijado, mientras sus ojos siguen firme la quil

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It's still colloyd day here so happy anniversary to them 18 years going strong🥳

10 28

Really hoping for some good news for the final day of

6 14

Skipping tons of days on Kaijune but heres the day 10 i think? XD collossal cant belive did this in a day XD

2 11

Accidental (porn) - Mu

...traumatic memories over there?
What is the "masturbation name" in your country? does this have some colloquial/vulgar name

Here, in Chile is "paja"
No i lie
"Hacerse una paja" = masturbation.
Both are differente things

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Day 6 - Quote Day

Another fic illustration, this prompt fit Chapter 5 of her short story collection so well I had to draw it!

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Collot from Beastars modeling has begun.

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Colloydweek 2021 - Day 4: Stargazing 😄
I would think the best place to see the stars would be in space 😊 plus I wanted to try to draw stars in space with them in it 🥰

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Day 4 - Stargazing

Colette lives in the big city where skylines block out the stars so when she visits her friend Lloyd in the countryside it's her first time properly seeing them! Both the ones in the sky and the fireflies near the ground.

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Day 3 - First Kiss

A scene from an rp with ! I really liked this concept and it was probably my favourite day to draw for 😄

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Actually no take this version instead

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