It's almost Father's Day! Don't forget to login to Cooking Mama Let's Cook!

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It was raining when I walked Max today. He became fascinated with a snail! It was very funny to watch!

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Walking around the lake with Max today I saw the lotus had blossomed and I saw tadpoles too!

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Bigleaf hydrangea are so pretty this time of year. Mama is growing the purple flowers in her garden too!#CookingMama

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June means long days and cool winds! Listen carefully and you can hear the crickets!

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Have you tried Cooking Mama Let’s Cook Puzzle?
Mama would be so happy if you rate the game on the Store!#CookingMama

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The weather can't make its mind up recently. Should I risk putting the washing outside or inside?

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Papa is thinking a lot about his health recently and has started jogging with our dog Max! Happy pair!

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I made pancakes today! I like to eat pancakes with maple syrup and butter. How do you eat yours?

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Today we had tea in the garden! It was lovely to enjoy tea while being surrounded by beautiful flowers!

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When I was walking Max today I saw lots of Japanese medlar on the trees! Can't wait to try them!

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How did you feel this morning?
I felt great! The secret to feeling good is going to bed early!

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We went shell collecting at the weekend. We'll put the clam shells in miso soup for breakfast this week.#CookingMama

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Phew! I finished cleaning the house including the bath that's now as shiny as new. I'm exhausted!

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Ringo overslept and tried to skip breakfast, but it's the most important meal so I made him eat!

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I spent the morning weeding the garden. Weeds grow so quickly in summer you have to keep on top of it!

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A swallow has nested in the garden. The chicks are so cute waiting for Mom with their mouths wide open!

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We went to Papa's parent's house for a vacation. It's in the country side so we could go camping.

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This morning I woke up to the singing of a nightingale! Such a lovely sound to wake up to!

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May has arrived! When I was walking Max this morning I saw so many beautiful flowers.

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