I drew prince as a human hybrid...

6 305

I wish i could be there in vidcon so i could meet you
But a fanart will do .. haha .. I love you, your videos and your artstyle you were really an inspiration for me to draw more.. thank you❤️

11 607

Another ArtFight attack! This is Emiri, an adorable character that belongs to . Drawn with colored pencils and ballpoint pen.

5 5

『♡EmiriaWiz Nails♡』

7 198

I made a fanart of emirichu’s last video i hope you like it

18 463

EmiriA【ワニ卵リング(white & black)】。卵の殻を破って誕生した子ワニを造形したリング。愛くるしい子ワニの表情と、生命感を感じさせるシチュエーションに、EmiriAらしい優しい感性が感じられるアクセサリーです。 https://t.co/qSnBSrt6rY

12 39

Photo + Photoshop: Manabu Koga
Model: Emiringo + Shimarisu Mashima

36 162

Nicolas Nemiri just confirmed he's coming to

After two years as a fashion and manga illustrator, he became known to the French public with the comics Je Suis Morte. He is working in the Chinese movie industry as a concept artist.

Read more: https://t.co/QfbvgzsIpn

2 12

今日はEmiriAさん()の個展に行ってきました〜! 新作の爬虫類は勿論、哺乳類・鳥類などなど盛りだくさんの素敵な空間でした! 渋谷ヒカリエ8Fで6/30までですよー! お時間ある方はぜひ!!

11 40

Beau un jour, beau toujours !
Par Nicolas Nemiri /

67 469

EmiriA【ミナミコアリクイ親子リング】。親アリクイの背に一生懸命しがみつく子供。一回のお産で一匹しか子を産まないとされるアリクイ。子供が独り立ちするまでには長い時間がかかり、その間、母アリクイは子供をおんぶし続けるとされています。 https://t.co/eWDXoamt0T

22 57

Fanart for and Prince UwU

Emirichu and Prince to the rescue!

6 241

Man, I can not wait for the Season Finale of "The Magical Adventures of Emirichu and Prince" where they fight "Evil Lord Sad Boi Hours"! 👏👏Jokes aside, 's new video was very cute (Prince especially) and it's cool to see another artist with a Magical Girl Self, haha.

17 371

EmiriA【山猫と魚リング white】。ヤマネコは猫科には珍しく、潜水も出来るほど水が得意。水中で魚を狩り、自慢げに咥えた山猫の表情が愛らしいアクセサリーです。 https://t.co/HL4LXe4bCF

11 49

I've wanted to upload this one a while but I was a bit hesitant but ain't no time like the present emiright?, but I made this as an excuse to try to work on weird kinda faces.#face

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