Been on a big Jet Set Radio kick. Here's Beat listening to beats (haha).

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Alright, this one's finally done. Prints available!

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had its anniversary yesterday so I want to do a little project where I redesign all the characters for the jsrf revival that definitely exists. I started things off with Beat.

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Jet Set Radio Future | Play Magazine (US) 2002, March
Do you understand the concept of love?

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To make up for my absence, have JSRF Sonic! Huge thanks to for providing me with a reference to use!

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Jan 7 2020
Yoyo drawn in my good ole macromedia flash 8

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The only time when it's ever considered a great time to see a nearly 40 year old Willy on display!!😉👍❤️☺️😜

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Here’s drawing of Tab from Jet set radio. I really like Tab.

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Art inspired by Jet Set Radio, If you want this as a shirt or a sticker go here:

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リーさんと歌った「おかしなふたり」が今年の5月下旬にJETSETより7inch releaseされます。🌐


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After seeing StaticShock on hbo max I felt like drawing Glitch. Static was a huge inspiration on my story telling and Glitch's design. jetsetradio influenced his more unique mobility.

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