Okay, I know this is an important conversation but I can't help but get distracted that currygom drew one of them as the angry gremlin and the other as a majestic god😁😁 like look at Yaksha's eyelashes

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I absolutely love how much of a wuss Asura is🤭🤭 I seriously love it, Yaksha just said "Wouldn't it be better to use your head" but he's such a coward and so butthurt that he just said all that in one breath😆😆

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Omg, I just realized that Asura is literally the little guy from that one tweet

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Hell freaking yeah, time to restore the balance of the universe😁😁!!

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Currygom had no right to make me this emotional😭😭 Ran and Yaksha's relationship has become one of the biggest highlights of this arc for me, what a farewell

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Not at all, my boy😭😭

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Aww, ofc he wanted to say goodbye to Yaksha

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Maruna's expressions are killing me😭😭 He was so glad to hear Ran's point and he's so happy at the thought of his sister finally being free from misfortune😭😭

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I knew this was gonna be a tough conversation because unfortunately the timing couldn't have been worse. Raltara was already at a fragile state and thinking that she caused misfortune to her brother yet again is not helping rn

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Yessss, the perfect reunion😂😂 Maruna finally found his bestie❤💜

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Reshaping the freaking planet????!!!!

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Oh shit, the reunion is happening now? Let's go

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Aa, I hate this, look at his smile😭😭 It's gonna be so hard for him to come to terms with the fact that Raltara can't be who she used to be anymore

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I absolutely love their dynamic btw, Maruna needed a big sis like her and she needed a lil bro like him❤❤

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Stoppp, he's so happy that she answered him😭😭

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Wow… It's sad to know that this is what she had to do from the very start and she is gonna have to do that someday. It's gonna be such a painful but important moment of Sagara's entire character

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Sagara please😂😂 It surprises me that I'm not annoyed by Sagara anymore, in fact, I'd actually love to see her on the side of Leez one day

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Okay, ofc he might mean Visnu as well but Maruna going "Ah, you're close with Visnu" and Ananta silently smiling definitely tells me that it's someone else, possibly Kubera

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Yeah Maruna is gonna have to be really caring and patient towards her for a while… It's gonna be so tough because I don't think he was able to bring her to the future…

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