Delighted to get a lovely message from this family from Barcelona telling me that they'd used my book Let's See Ireland as a travel guide for their first trip to Ireland! Thx Miquel, Nuria and Aleix for sharing your story!

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La regular fue hecha por Jamie McKelvie y Matt Wilson, mientras que la variante corre a cargo de Miquel Muerto y Emma Ríos.

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Silence For My Soul (aka: Sappho Throwing Herself Into the Sea)
~Miquel Carbonell i Selva (1881)

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"Per què la pell se’ns arruga quan passem molta estona a l’aigua?", ens va preguntar en Miquel, un dels nostres lectors. El professor Carxofen assegura que això és herència del nostre passat amfibi... I la resposta correcta, quina és? La teniu al 1355!

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Voici, pour la toute première fois sur internet, une version numérique du (et non des armoiries) de la commune de Miquelon, drapeau dessiné d'après mes observations in situ.

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waiting for 3, here some of my favourite pages from issue 1
script: Philip Kennedy Johnson, colors: Miquel Muerto, lettering: Jim Campbell. published by Boom! Studios.

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Cuestión de equilibrio

Miquel Carbonell Selva - Sappho Leaping into the Sea - (1881)


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My first entry for I just love the watermelon girl by Marta García Pérez and couldn't resist making my version of it!

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beep boop hey alexa play not mine by miquela

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Mahmut (CV: Furukawa Makoto)
-Ceremonial Miquelet lock decorated with diamond, ruby, and emerald and Mahmut I monogram
-His pockets produce jewels and many other things that he doesn't know of
-Loves beautiful things
-Prays for peace in battle, desires an end to conflicts

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Ali Pasha (CV: Ono Yuuki)
-Silver inlaid Miquelet lock musket
-Owned by Ottoman emperor Ali Pasha with which he ruled over the Balkan peninsula
-Ore-sama who desires power, authority, and gold instead of peace
-Believes he is the only one who can order himself around

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Miquel Carbonell i Selva (1854-1896) - Safo, 1881

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Il.lustració pròpia sobre un miquelet. Personatge indispensable del 1714 a Catalunya. Bona diada!

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