Hyped about so drew a cute turtle due critter from one of the demo screenshots :)

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Just a couple of more days......#NoMansSky

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Saw a gif from today and just had to draw the critter in it.

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with every leaked gameplay I get more and more excited for - so I had to do a little fanart. :)

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doodling concept art for fictional planets until I can get my hands on

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competition entry to design your ideal planet, including a ship & PSN name

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HOLY Spacedick™!

Credit to the No Man's Sky Facebook-Group

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Mix between and fan art. Love my some planet exploration.

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Couldn't resist to relate to in a fan art. Happy 2016 to all team.

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New episode up! How ' creates a universe. Really fun episode. http://t.co/HXoC3NEOmg

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